Sunday, April 24, 2011

Join Us

Ever wonder what it feels like to be a rat in a maze? Waiting for the moment when you can sink your teeth into that delectable cheddar cheese. The only thing standing in your way are the tall, white walls and long paths that mislead you. That is what you are bound to feel like when typing in any web address in your search bar on your homepage. Netflix on the other hand, tends to create a very flawless and easy to use interface that releases a lot of the stress that can be easily created by such obstacles.
If you have a Netlifx account, you are greeted with a cover shot of a recently watched movie. To the right you are given the option to give it a 1 to 5 star rating. One being horribly bad and five being “top notch.” After that rating you are given 3 suggestions of movies that have similar qualities. The innovation in this setup makes the site very personable. It is sort of like a chameleon. It adapts to its surroundings based on every rating made. On the downside that can become very frustrating. Every rating makes change for your picks. If you used your Netflix to keep your toddler in a trance while you take a nap for two hours then your page will eventually become flooded with Dora the Explorer or Backyardigans. Although its a very easy fix by tuning into The Terminator and other quality movies. There is also a top 10 pick that run horizontally across midway down the screen. Netflix may not know you as well as it thinks it does because 10% of the time does that actually have something worth while. The homepage is pretty self-explanatory when it comes down to it. It is like a buffet, it’s up to you to pick and choose what you’re in the mood for.
Clicking on a movie opens a whole new realm. What a surprise, an even larger picture of the movie cover appears. As well as reviews by other members of the Netflix family. If you aren’t sure of a movie, visit its main page and read up and get an idea if you are really going to waste 2 hours of your life on b-movie acting. The option to play the movies trailer is also placed in front of you. If you don’t trust the instincts of the millions of people on the web, take charge and make your own assumptions. You are also introduced to the plot summary, cast/crew and its rating. Remember, R means you must be 18 or older to watch.
With the ease of this site, little Billy won’t have too much trouble watching movies that are probably out of his league. They make it a little too easy to navigate, which by all means is a good thing, but they really need to determine when a password is needed to watch certain movies. Finding your way around isn’t hard at all. Your next destination is just a point and click away. The only thing it tends to lack on is an entire list of their movies. That is a major hole in this nearly flawless site. Everyone needs a choice. You don’t go to Disney land without a map and places to eat do you? Since the movies are constantly changing it can be assumed that it require someone to moderate that sort of thing. That could only make it an even greater experience for those who pay the fees each month. Without that you feel a bit cheated on what choices are exactly at your finger tips. It narrows the window of your viewing pleasure.
With all that in mind, Netflix has a pretty solid website. Of course the selections can only be accessed with a membership as is any club or cult. But with this membership, be prepared to expand your horizon in a wide variety of movies to stream instantly or be delivered to you. If you aren’t feeling welcomed by the bright red when you first enter that screams “Join us” don’t turn away. Give it a chance and prepare to subtract a lot of vitamin D from your life. You can spend hours upon hours streaming movies. Redbox doesn’t have anywhere near the same capacity as the keyboard and screen that you are viewing this on right in front of you. Kick back, relax and enjoy the awesome ease and capability that is


  1. This needs spaces between paragraphs, formatting made this a little tricky to read. Also consider that this is a review and not a how-to guide to the website.

  2. I agree with JJ, the spacing is a bit problematic, but otherwise I thought it was well written

  3. Good information and overview of the site. I feel like I would know how to use it after reading your review. I like that you explained how some features, like the rating system, could get frustrating.
